About us

Hi everyone,

Thank you for visiting our page, we hope you found everything you were looking for! This is our 'about us page', We better get started haven’t we?

So we are four French bulldog sisters, 3 of us Bella Beau , Bonnie and Roxie are all full sisters and we were born in Lincolnshire. However Frankie is our sister from another mister but we love her all the same, she was born also born in Lincolnshire. So really we are all Lincolnshire girls at heart! We all have a little bit of a sassy attitude which I suppose if you read our Instagram or Facebook page you will find out all are bad traits. But our parents love us to look are best and strut are little bums when we are out so this is why Paw Sister Society was born!

Paw Sisters

Basically we are 4 sisters who have champagne taste on a lemonade Budget. I bet we aren’t they only ones ay! So I suppose that’s less of us and we should probably introduce the human parents behind our brand. Bella_Beau mum is Kayley and Frankie, Bonnie and Roxie mum is Sian. These two special humans became friends because of us. They decided that the market was missing a gap for harness and accessories fit enough for the likes of us girls and our taste so they decided to create Paw Sister Society so all you lovely lot can join us with having expensive tastes but paying a fraction of the price. It’s like having Gucci but without the price tag.. but no we aren’t talking fakes either ha.

Enjoy your look around and I’m sure we will speak to you soon.